Industry & Trade

The increasingly indispensable customer orientation has fundamentally altered industry and trade . It is no longer only about the production of small quantities at competitive prices or fast, worldwide shipping via a seamless Supply Chain. Rather, it is about exploiting the possibilities offered by digital processes.

Include payment with your Smartphone, networking at all levels of trade in the B2C, B2B and B2E area, as well as the use of customer data obtained therefrom. Knowing how to analyse them and use them for your strategy can generate additional, profitable interactions.

This is why all areas of the company must work together: from Development , through to Purchasing, Production, Quality Management and Sales all the way to Logistics. This works only with the corresponding human resources, i.e. the appropriate personnel. Whether you are looking for a head of a business unit, an engineer, a head of marketing, or logistics - we are the right partner for you.

OUR EXPERTS Industry & Trade

team member
Roger Nellen

team member
Nicole Schmidt

team member
Zalina Akhaeva

Open Vacancies Industrie & Handel

Currently we have no published vacancies in this area.